A big thank you to all our runners :

For 2019: Patrick Genoud who has completed the Tor giant of 11th edition of 11 to 20 September 2019 in browsing 330 K and not less than 24000 m D+
The hundred traileurs of the Prealpes Trail du Mouret on Sunday, 22nd September 2019 who have supported us by their donation during the registration
Sophie Ding Guccione, Christophe Aegerter and Laure Michaud, and Stéphanie Vial and her son Nicolas on Sunday 6th October 2019 during the Morat-Fribourg
Elisa and Sandy Warth Sunday 5th May 2019 the 20 km of Lausanne
Adela Wyncoll Saturday 6th April 2019 half marathon of Prague (Czech Republic)
Nadia Steulet-Amiri Saturday 17th March 2019 Kerzerslauf
Madeleine and Christof Siffert Sunday 20th January 2019 the Tatamumbai Marathon (India), The trail of Les Paccots, the X-Traversée of Verbier, the Prealpes Trail du Mouret

And for 2018: Christophe Aegerter - Julie Andreadakis - François Berset - Christina Boffelli - Sandra Boffelli - Célian Bruegger - Isaline Bruegger - Virginie Bruegger - Célia Bühler - Pascal Bujard - Anthony Caetano - Aurore De Cormarmond - Bertrand Crottet - Jules Crottet - Léon Crottet - André Dombele - Romain Ducret - Céline Geiser Dubois - Corinne Genoud - Michaël Girod - Florence Guenot - Line Jaquemet - Toku Layade - Chantal Lüthi - Andrei Marin Cristian - David Michaud - Laure Michaud Aegerter - Michel Monney - Chrystelle Nolde - Céline Oberson - Stéphane Parisod - Danilo Presotto - Yannick Renaud - Hugo Renaudin - Justine Renaudin-Letessier - Colin Romanens - Audrey Savary - Dominic Schwab - Alanis Siffert - Jeevan Siffert - Christof Siffert - Madeleine Siffert - Bertrand Siffert - Nadia Steulet-Amiri - Nicolas Vial - Stéphanie Vial - than 262 students, teachers and administrative staff of the School "Ecole de Culture Générale de Fribourg and also 35 employees of the company Micarna.